Journal of Clinical Engineering
January/March 2010, 35(1): pp 39-45
Noninvasive Physiological Screening for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: Preliminary Findings of a Case Series
MC Mireles, PhD, MPH, Community Medical Foundation for Patient Safety, Bellaire, TX
JA Miller, PhD, Community Medical Foundation for Patient Safety, Bellaire, TX
WC Paske, PhD, Red Oak Instruments, LLC, Katy, TX
A preliminary case series demonstrates how the use of fine-motor-control measurements of the hands may be used for screening for mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) symptoms. Motor and sensory control factors have been derived from rapid fine-motor-control measurements collected at 4-millisecond intervals during a total of two 1-minute periods for each hand in a repetitious squeeze-and-relax cycle. These derived control factors detect the presence of mTBI symptoms and can measure and document the rate of recovery for persons with mTBI. This information is critically important to determine the efficacy of a therapeutic or rehabilitative regimen as well as to assign the optimal time to return to work or play.